Region Highlight: Heavyzart

These guys have my backing on being generally awesome people. There are so many awesome people I know doing interesting things, but here are a few I think you should check out, who have generously given their time to invest in my life for at least a season.

Heavy of Heavyzart

I met Heavy just out of high school, but I actually met his art first. It wasn’t until a year or two later I spotted the guy in a jeep packed with art that I actually met Heavy himself. Heavy paints “Outsider Art” in all shapes and sizes. More than just a painting, everything from the depths of Heavy’s mind is a coallition of his life’s experiences, his hardships and joys. But pulling out a small snippet is only half the battle as Heavy scavanges many of his canvases. From the hundred year old barnwood planks to the shades of greys, reds, and yellows that color his world, Heavy produces an unreplicable combination of canvas, colors, and imagery on every piece.

Heavyzart Heavy Bird.jpg
RJ Jarecki